It our Southern States, it takes about 3 squirrels to make a meal.
But for a more humane answer, you need to cover it with small chicken wire.
S1lentEffective control for squirrels eating my strawberries?
I read that buying moth balls (the round ball kind) in the ground in any bed you want to protect is effective against squirrels---and it works! I use them in pots and beds myself when I've had a squirrel pest population. You do have to cover them with a bit of dirt so bird won't eat them, but that doesn't effect the squirrels smelling them. In addition, you could also brush you cat, pull the hair off the brush and scatter clumps of hair around the bed. That's supposed to help repel critters. (though the hair won't last as long as the moth balls!)
Get some wire and put it over your plants. Put a post in to keep the wire and birds off your berries.
Have you tried tying aluminum pie tins on posts? The flash and noise they make frighten them.
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